This means abstaining from eating and drinking, and from all actions that nullify fastingfrom the dawn till sunset.
Fast priority
Among the priorities of fasting are as follows:
1. Fasting is a shield from a variety of desires.
2. Fasting is special before God, because all prayers are for the benefit of a servant except fasting, so that He himself will return it.
3. Those who fast in good faith to enter heaven through a special door called Al-Rayyaan.
4. Among the simple prayer is a prayer granted by God who is fasting to break him, or on the break.
5. From jasmaniyah side, fasting is trying to maintain healthy body.
Diversity Fast
Fasting is distinguished on the mass, which tathawwu, unlawful, and that makrooh.
Fasting is obligatory is the fasting of Ramadan, the fasting kaffarat, and fast nadzar.
Tathawwu fast 'is the fast of David (ie, breaking the fast a day and a day), Monday and Thursday fasting, fasting three days each month (ie the Ayyamul Biidh: the week of 13, 14, 15 every month qamariyah) = Abu Al-Ghifari DZAR said: He's commanded us to fast three days in a month, which is in ayyamul bidh: 13 th, 14th, and 15th of each month. He said that fast (if done every month) as fast over the years). An HR-Naša-i, and Ibn Hibban dishahihkan., Fasting six days in the month Syawwal, fasting on the day of Arafat is not berhaji, eight days in the month of fasting Dzulhijjah, fast Taasuu-aa '(9th of Muharram) and fast' Aasyuuraa '(10 Muharram), fasting during the months of Muharram which is illegal, Rajab, Dzulqa'dah, and Dzulhijjah, fasting in the month of Sha'ban, fasting during the day when no food.
Fasting is prohibited (haram) is the sunnah of the fasting of a woman without her permission, while her husband was present, the fast on syakk (which is doubtful), fasting on the day of 'Id (good' Idul Separated or 'Eid Adhha), fasting during the days Tasyriq (ie 11, 12, and 13 Dzulhijjah), fast women are haidh or childbed, fast wishal (day and night as well), very fast dikhuatirkan will cause destruction of the perpetrator.
While fasting is fasting makruh specific Friday or Saturday and Dahr fast (fast each day).
Fasting conditions
Wajibnya fasting conditions are:
• Islam - those who disbelieve not fast.
• Up to age - children who are not yet age is not fast enough.
• Sanity (sane) who is not crazy fast.
• Authorities (able) to fast - the dangerous illness, the elderly poor and not fast.
• residing - who are on a journey (journey) for more than two marhalah not obliged to fast, but must mengqada'nya the other day.
As for fasting conditions are:
• Islam - fasting is not the unbelievers and the apostates.
• Sanity or mumaiyiz - not fasting person feeling lost or not mumaiyiz.
• Purification of childbed haidh and fasting during the day.
• intention every night.
• Refrain from all that invalidate the fast.
• On the day of fasting - fasting is not forbidden to fast on that day.
Sunnah-Sunnah Fasting
1. Eating shortly before dawn (between the middle of the night until the dawn) and mengakhirkannya is the main energetic
2. Accelerate break
3. Fasting and praying for a break at
4. To feed the fasting
5. Keep all members of the body of sin
6. A lot of charity and kindness to people
7. Washing dirt (because junub, from haidh holy, holy of childbed) before the publication of the Dawn
8. Many read the Qur'an accompanied tadabbur, and knowledge learned during the religious month of Ramadan (and continued in other months)
9. Increasing worship, especially with beriktikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan
10. Do qiyamul Lail (qiyam Ramadhan) for the month of Ramadhan
Fast Batalnya
1. Eating and drinking
2. Inclusion of an outward into the stomach through the body cavity
3. Vomiting intentionally
4. Haidh, childbed, or produce
5. Masturbation (istimna ')
6. Apostasy
7. Jima '(relating to sex): Kafarahnya is freed slave, or fasting two consecutive months, or feed 60 poor people.
Things that enabled During Fasting
1. Pour water into the body or to embed themselves into the water
2. Bercelak, wash eyes with water, or enter any of the eyelids
3. CUPPING, except if it would weaken the ruling makruh dibekam.
4. Gargle, mouthwash (madhmadhah) or cleaning the nose with water (istinsyaq), unless the ruling makruh excessive.
5. Taste of food in small, not up to the throat.
6. That morning in junub
7. Women who cut off the blood before shubuh nifasnya haidh or tub may be ending at shubuh.
Intention for Fasting and compensatory ritual 'Ramadhan Fasting
Holy faith obligatory fast of Ramadan:
نويت صوم غد عن أداء فرض شهررمضان هذه السنة لله تعالى
Meaning: Only the next day I meet obligatory fast of Ramadan this year because of God Almighty.
Pronouncement of the intention of fasting Qhada 'Ramadhan:
عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى نويت صوم غد
Meaning: Only because I am fasting tomorrow instead obligatory Ramadan because Allah Almighty.
Prayer When Breaking Fast
اللهم لك صمت وبك آمنت وعلى رزقك أفطرت برحمتك ياأرحم الراحمين.
Meaning: O my Lord and fasting because of all I believe and I am with you on a journey with compassion, I rezekimu kasihanmu O Allah the most merciful.
Breaking possible reasons
First. Travel (long travel): must compensatory ritual '
II. Pain: required compensatory ritual. If the pain does not expect the recovery does not need to compensatory ritual ', but enough to pay redemption.
Third. Pregnancy: debated replacement
Fourth. Breastfeeding: at issue replacement
For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding:
If the fear of his own time: mandatory compensatory ritual 'only
If the fear of her time:
• by jumhur: mandatory compensatory ritual 'only
• According to Imam Syafi'i: mandatory compensatory ritual and redemption
If you fear for himself and his son:
• according to Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas: it must pay a redemption
• According to Imam Syafi'i: mandatory compensatory ritual 'only
Fifth. Elderly: should pay redemption
Sixth. The very hungry or thirsty: mandatory compensatory ritual '
Seventh. Compulsion: compulsory compensatory ritual '
Description: To pay redemption means to feed a poor person of the day to leave fast. Magnitude is a redemption pursuant jumhur Mudd, whereas according to the half-Sha Hanafiyah.
Late compensatory ritual 'fast:
• If less compensatory ritual 'fasting month of Ramadan comes to others, should be a redemption secupak every day of fasting, and if two years later, over two times Ramadan, should berfidyah of two cup and so on in addition to compulsory mengqadha' fast .
People who die before compensatory ritual 'fast:
• The Ramadan fast with a lapse due to illness or travel, and he died before mengqadha'nya, optional followed by a compensatory ritual or redemption, and not guilty.
• If a person dies before mengqadha 'fast with no excuse, then folk should mengqadha'kannya or issuing redemption secupak every day fast.
• flirt fast: To secupak human food (in our country - rice) for each day of fasting that was left, to the poor